Where$ cnt is the number of rows affected by the SQL statement. 其中$cnt是这条SQL语句所影响的行数。
All containers ( for example, a Panel) must have layouts and must specify the number of rows and columns in that layout. 所有容器(比如Panel)必须拥有布局,而且必须指定布局中的行数和列数。
The optimizer bases query cost estimates on the number of rows to be retrieved from each table. 优化器将根据在每个表中检索的行数来评估查询成本。
Row limit: This field indicates the suggested maximum number of rows that should be selected from this table. Rowlimit:这个字段表明从该表能够选择的最大行数。
Change the number of rows and columns to show how many your portal application contains. 把行数和列数更改为显示门户应用程序所包含的行数和列数。
The number of rows produced in this table is independent from the output type. 该表中所生成的行的数量与输出类型无关。
The number of rows entered for each word will be equal to the number of synonyms for that word. 为每个单词输入的行的数量将等于该单词的同义词的数量。
This dynamic filter on the fact table reduces the number of rows used in the probe phase of the actual hash joins. 事实表上的动态过滤减少了实际散列连接探测阶段使用的行数。
Rows returned& The number of rows retrieved from the data server. 从数据服务器上检索的行数。
Resizes the number of rows to match the size of the contact list returned from the server. 调整行的数量,与服务器返回的联系人列表的规模匹配。
The cardinality represents the estimated number of rows returned from the access plan operator. 基数(cardinality)表示访问计划操作符所返回的行的估计数目。
This queries to see the total number of rows that have been inserted into the venue table. 目的是查询插入到这个场所表内的行的总数。
Create a function named get_widow_size to determine the number of rows and columns. 创建一个名为getwidowsize的函数用来确定行数和列数。
You should be able to select the number of rows to be displayed from a drop down list. 您应该能够从一个下拉列表中选择要显示的行数。
Table Snapshot& "Rows Written" will reflect the number of rows inserted ( or updated). TableSnapshot&“RowsWritten”将反映插入(或更新)的行的数目。
It is used when there are no indexes on one or more joining tables, or when the database server must read a large number of rows from all joining tables. 当一个或多个连接表上没有索引时,或者当数据库服务器必须从所有连接表中读取大量行时,就使用这种方法。
Join cardinality is the number of rows produced when two row sets are joined together. 连接行集数是两个行集被连接在一起时产生的行集数。
The number of rows affected by the data operation. 受数据操作影响的行的数目。
We would like to know the number of rows and number of columns. 我们想要知道向量的行数和列数。
Gets the number of rows spanned by a cell or item. 获取某个单元格或项跨的行数。
The number of rows per second merged from the Subscriber to the Publisher. 每秒从订阅服务器合并到发布服务器的行数。
Cardinality represents the number of rows in a row set. 字面上的意思是代表行集中的行数。
Examine the number of unique data values in a column and compare that number with the number of rows in the table. 检查列中唯一数据值的个数并将该数目与表中的行数相比较。
The table size is too large. Reduce the number of rows or columns. 表格尺寸太大。请减小行数或列数。
Gets the number of rows that the cell containing the child control spans. 获取包含该子控件的单元格跨越的行数。
Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the Transact-SQL statement. 获取执行transact-sql语句所更改、插入或删除的行数。
Gets the number of rows processed in a batch of updated records. 获取在一批更新后的记录中处理的行数。
It can be any size, but it must have the same number of rows as columns. 大小可以任意,但是行数和列数一定要一样。
You can use search criteria to restrict the number of rows returned by a query. 可使用搜索条件限制查询返回的行数。
Verify that the Subscriber has the same number of rows of replicated data as the Publisher. 验证订阅服务器已复制数据的行数是否与发布服务器的相同。